Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Old Becomes New Again

I have a metal file drawer where when I had nothing but time to make cards and the memory that when made, they were sent on time. ha ha ha. It was getting pretty full and well, some just didnt cut the mustard. SO, I took some of them apart and well changed them.

I can’t say made them better but maybe…

These 2 are original and I took them off here so sorry they are icky pics,

the boy is Sliekje image the umbrella is Nana Vic


Now these are the cards above. I covered Bless your heart with Happy Birthday and removed the word rain and added hb. (can you tell what im lacking?)


So never throw out or file away something you cant use or don’t like just change it up a bit…I have made new cards also- trust me sleep is WAY over-rated. ha ha ha. Still working on a cabbage patch hair hat – don’t like them so im having a time finishing it.

Come back tomorrow to see the next cards…



Anna Waarvik said...
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Anna Waarvik said...

Cute cards!

Stef H said...

you just made them more beautiful. i repurpose cards too!


hugs :)

with a very sad heart.

 I have decided I no longer have time for crafting of any kind. I started working in Feb and havent quite gotten my order together yet. I fo...