Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2 months have passed- and I have been...

Just so busy. I didnt think that life could be this nuts. Now dont get me wrong, I love it, but wow. I feel like when you were a kid and the playground toy where you grab and run and jump on, and if youre too slow or miss you drag along until you let go or get your footing. Well Im pretty dusty. 
So I havent been crafting, not only an I not really in the mood, (although today...) I have been watching my adorable granddaughter and another child. He is now before and after school only, and Olivia and I have a kind of routine... I sort of have a few mins. 
My computer also crashed and I lost the last 2 months worth of stuff , ok really? who had time for backup. lol So I cant show you anything thats not on Facebook, but you can find me there, both as tomorrows treasure and me.
So now im going off the computer, and if Olivia stays sleeping, crafting. Ill be back soon, I promise, 2 months is WAY too long.
Oh here is a pic of why im not here.



KellyRae said...

She's a PERFECT reason to be MIA. What a doll.

Jennifer said...

How very wonderful to have time to spend with someone so special! Great picture!

with a very sad heart.

 I have decided I no longer have time for crafting of any kind. I started working in Feb and havent quite gotten my order together yet. I fo...